Saturday, September 12, 2009

Should Have Been Epic...

Well, these last few weeks with the wedding finally in the rearview mirror (I love you sweetheart, but not the picking of colors, flowers, etc...) I've had a chance to do some fishing and hunting. It should have been epic, I told myself on the last two monster floats we did. One day down low on the Stone started out as a streamer fisherman's wet dream - 60's and drizzly and overcast on the first of September. But to no avail, nothing even chasing streamers. Until this lucky Goldeye smoked a streamer in the bright sunlight after every cloud in the sky had burnt off...

Then there was the "Trout Trip" that turned into Carpapalooza '09. Normally I'd be fine by this, but when you go with massive rainbows and browns in mind, golden scaley, slimey carp is not what you want to see all day long, especially 18+ miles of all day long.

Finally we had some redemption with some birds over in central Montana, but a few huns in September is hardly solace for 40+ miles of river with no big fish to show for it... Thank god fall is more than a week or two long, come on October.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I'm sure you'll make up for it, fall is on the doorstep! Be thankful where you live, You could be stuck in overpopulated Colorado like me! I have to hunt hard to find browns over 12 inches.