Every winter I run into this first hand working at a fly shop when you get the inevitable "What's working out there when it's cold?" and the reply from me is always, "Well bacon, eggs and midges, but mostly bacon and eggs." You can tell which side of the great debate that person sits by what dialogue follows your suggestion - it's either "Sweet, what colors are your favorite?" Or, "What else is working?"
If you ask me what side I'm on, first off you don't know me very well, I'd tell you that I'm on the side of catching fish. Ask nearly any hardcore streamer fisherman about what they consider to be "acceptable" or "kosher" for fly selection and they will likely laugh at you. Really the debate about whether worm and egg fishing is "dirty" or not is ridiculous, I mean save the debate for something that's more worthwhile like politics, or no scratch that, religion? Truly what you are fishing is far less important to me than catching fish in the winter, as long as you aren't snagging or lining fish and ripping them off of spawning beds I couldn't care less what fly you use.
For further proof simply consult your favorite local wintering hole and ask the fish in there what they prefer, bacon and eggs, or something else. Chances are you'll find their answer is the reason I give the answer I do, they prefer the worms and eggs...
1 comment:
It's all about the art of casting. Catching anything is just a reward for patience.
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