Salmonfly fever only gets cured one way - scratching the itch. And I'm not talking about the Nuge's problem of Cat Scratch Fever itching, I'm talking about getting out on the water and pitching some big, bushy, ugly, high floating, foam dry flies for the big dogs in the rivers. Now if you can't get into putting a size 4 about an inch off the bank and watching it sail underneath undercut banks and wood and trees hanging in the water, then well you and I just can't relate buddy. I'm as big of a junk hucker as anyone out there and I've never met

a time of year that I don't enjoy pitching streamers, but when Salmonfly Time rolls around about my birthday every year, I'm ready to throw back a few cold ones and throw em tight to the bank and watch 'em get sucked down!

The Upper Madison is my favorite spot, and my favorite stretch is Varney to Ennis, I'm not the only one I know that, and you're usually not alone on that stretch either. But what you might lack for in loneliness on this piece of water is more than made up for by the sweet structure that abounds through that stretch for pitching dries. And on the 29th I got to go scratch my itch and it was every bit as wonderful as I thought it was going to be... And if you want a few pointers, well then I suggest checking out our article on dispelling the myths of salmonfly fishing that we threw together the other day.
Have a Happy 4th of July Weekend, be safe, thank a Vet for their service, blow a few things up and have an ice cold beverage and be thankful that we live in the best place on Earth, The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, AMERICA BABY!!!

1 comment:
Just found this blog. Enjoy reading it. Used to live in Bozeman but never fly fished there. Just started where I live now. Keep it up.
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