This might seem like blasphemy coming from a die hard streamer fisherman - but I do like to fish attractor dries during the summer months, and if you don't well, then you don't stare at an indicator for long enough during the times when the fishing isn't red hot with streamers, because if you did, you'd understand why it's fun to stare at a big piece of foam and rubber legs hanging on top of the water waiting to be toilet bowled down by a big trout.
So I thought I'd share a few of my favorite patterns for the year with you before the season has come and gone, because it really only lasts a few short months in Montana and if you miss it, well let's just say you'll have plenty of time to stare at an indicator again afterwards... And of course I'll have to include a dropper or two, because you can't do a dry dropper with no dropper, come on now!
Yeager Bomb
This little fly has been one of the shop favorites since we started fishing it last year and it's quickly become a staple in my own summer arsenal as it floats high, can be used as a dry in the dry dropper rig, and it flat out fishes everywhere from creeks to big rivers. A must have for any summer dry fly junkie - availalbe in Ruby Red & Caddis Brown in 10's 12's and 14's.
Thing-A-Ma Bug

So when we knew this was going to be a great fly was last fall when we stuck the sample into a jar of water and left it there for 8 months and every week or so we'd swish the water around and see if the fly would sink, and it never sank. Floats like the Thingamabobber's because it's got one for a post, plus rubberlegs peacock and some wing flash, deadly. Say goodbye Fat Albert, here's your double, he floats higher and fishes better.
Purple Para Wulff
This is a little pattern that is an offshoot of the recently popularized Purple Haze (a purple Parachute Adams). I personally think that this fishes better because it floats better and you can see it better, therefore it fishes better. Let's face it, purple is in, it might be a fad, but metro colors are all the rage in fly fishing these days, who am I to argue. Purple Lightning Bugs, Purple Chubby's, Purple Hazes, purple purple purple... It works, what can I say.
Mustang Sally

This little bad boy has been bringing fish into the boat since we first saw it in 2007, and we've been using it every year since with a lot of success. If you really boil this one down it's a Copper John with a few tweeks that put it in a category by itself, really one of the better yellow sally nymph patterns out there. This thing just flat out works from the Madison to the Gallatin to the Yellowstone to the Jefferson to the creeks and everything in between.
Chubby Chernobyl Black & Tan

This pattern has taken on a life of it's own, affectionately known as simply "The Chubby" this pattern has revolutionized the attractor dry fly world by allowing what is nothing more than a piece of foam with a wing and rubberlegs and some wrapped yarn to become the guide go to and favorite on nearly every river drainage around Southwestern Montana - if you don't have a few of these in your box in August, you probably shouldn't be guiding anyone down the river. This year it's available in Purples, Reds, Oranges, Browns, and my personal fave - the Black & Tan - so toast a Guiness and Bass to this boy, but expect big browns to be eating it.
Mini Loop Sculpin

What kind of posting from yours truly would be complete without at least one streamer pattern or mention in it? That's right, you can't fish this below a dry (at least not anything other than a well greased size 6 Golden Chubby) but what you can do is swing these under cut-banks and gravel shelves and other great trout holding places and then grab your rod and hold on tight because they smoke this thing. A simple little sculpin pattern that is best fished tight lined or under an indicator, these little guys are a great day maker on many of our rivers out West.
And with that I'll leave you wondering how many of these you can fit into your own fly box this summer, me I have them all, probably dozen's of them, because I have a sickness that can only be cured by fishing...
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