Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sometimes a Swing and a Miss Is All You Need

Went out on the Upper Madison on Tuesday looking for a big fish or two, I mean I'm not greedy, just something in the over 25" category would be preferable, but I'd take 22" I suppose...
But to no avail, the Browns are definitely starting to chase pretty good, just not committing the first time through - had to make a few passes to get this guy, but when he finally got pissed enough to eat, he ate.

Been fishing the new Sage Xi3 a fair bit, had to turn in my demo and order one last week, can't wait till it gets here - it's the sexiest hue of blue in the sunlight, which won't matter to me because it will be out on gray days and banging around the boat, but for the saltwater guys that will be something to stare at - if you haven't checked out the new Xi3 and you're in the market for a high end streamer stick, look no further. The 9 weight is my stick of choice and at only 4 ounces it's light and responsive in the hand. Can't wait for my own to break in this fall, hurry up Sage!

Fall colors are showing up some, so is the snow, it's about time for a big boy and I'm just biding the time now, because those sexy white bellies are starting to color up and when that happens, well you know, it's meat hucking time. I'm not a rainbow chaser, just pitching my dreams into the river and hoping for something big and ugly to return the favor...

1 comment:

Montana Wooly Bugger said...

Hi Kris glad to here fall has finally arived in Montana. I don't know if you remember me, Terry Armstrong. My wife Gigi and I stopped by to see you on our way to fish the Yellowstone last May I think it was. I have been hanging out on the Clearwater River in Idaho chasing steelhead all week. After coming here for 3 years I finally caught my first steelhead. I'll be back in Great Falls next week to start chucking and ducking on the Missouri. I to love to throw streamers at big fish. I have to confess that I tend to prefer Rainbows though.